Sending message to AWS SQS from mirth using AWS java SDK
- MirthConnect : 3.7.1
- AWS Set up
- Created SQS in AWS
- AWS Access Id and secret key(Required for authentication)
- AWS Java SDK
- aws-java-sdk-core-1.11.194 jar(Required same version as to avoid mirth version mismatch)
Here mainly I’m giving the code snippet to add your message to SQS queue so you can use it in your channel either is source/destination transformer based on your requirement.Also here I’m using a basic message for the queue you can have any type of message for the queue
var sqs = new //Provide your Access Id, secret key and region in the below code com.amazonaws.auth.AWSStaticCredentialsProvider(new com.amazonaws.auth.BasicAWSCredentials(Access Id, secret key))).withRegion(region).build(); var queue_url = sqs.getQueueUrl(QueueName).getQueueUrl(); logger.debug("queue: "+queue_url); var send_batch_request = new .withQueueUrl(queue_url) .withEntries( new "msg_1", "My First Queue") .withDelaySeconds(10));//Delay in seconds as you required sqs.sendMessageBatch(send_batch_request);
I hope the above code helps to your solution.Feel free to comment in below comment section for any more queries