Install Tomcat7 and RabbitMQ in EC2 Amazon AMI

Please use the following procedure to install Tomcat 7 and RabbitMQ in Amazon EC2 instance.

but, in the below process I will not explain how to work with them.

Kindly, use this post only for installing and configuring them in your linux box.

Although a separate post will be made on the same line to work with them as well. For instance, can use this link mentioned here to know more about how RabbitMQ can be used with Mirth.


Have a EC2 instance purchased from Amazon. I took Amazon AMI Image.


1.sudo yum update  (Do a general update of your system)

2. sudo yum install tomcat7 tomcat7-webapps

3. sudo service tomcat7 start

4. cd /usr/share/tomcat7

Add .WAR files into the folder /usr/share/tomcat7

By Default Tomcat will take 8080 as a running port number.



The Above instance is stopped now, It will not work. But, you can use that as the reference. Use your IP and Port number and check it should work


1. RABBITMQ is built on top of Erlang langage. So we need to install that first.

yum install erlang

2. Get the RPM downloaded for RabbitMQ latest version here I have used (3.2.2)

sudo wget

3. Import rabbitmq-signing-key-public.asc for public key signing

sudo rpm –import

4. Install the rpm downloaded

yum install rabbitmq-server-3.2.2-1.noarch.rpm

5. We have to auto-run RabbitMQ once your System/Server is ON to do that type the below command

sudo chkconfig rabbitmq-server on

6. Start the RabbitMQ Server.

sudo service rabbitmq-server start

7. Note: Upto this point. You can access your rabbitmq only via command prompt. If you want to enable the web console, then use the below command

sudo rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_management

After the above command is done. Your RabbitMQ will work by default on port 15672. Enable that port in your system.

Then restart or stop/start rabbitmq service again.

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