This is a hypothetical scenario:
Imagine a situation where you have developed all the channels required to build the interfaces, now you are going to move your channels to the production or any beta testing environment.

In this scenario you would want to make the channels to be imported to the mirth in specific environment. Imagine you don’t have an access to make this move. This will be permitted to be done only by the IT guys. In this scenario, the IT team will find it difficult to import the channels, as you cannot expect them to understand mirth.

The easier way for them to do is, you give a command to them they will execute the command and everything will start to work fine. i.e an import command via mirth command prompt like this:

import “Your-channel-available-folder\20180312\EAI-Deployment Script Generator.xml” force

But it will again be the manual process for the developers to do this manually. Imagine one day you have to send 4 to 5 channels to. In that case, you have to manually create this script and then send it. To overcome it, we can write one channel that will create a script for all the channels that is deployed today.

The logic behind this is that whatever is developed and tested today, only those channels will be moved to beta testing or prod. Based on that scenario, I have built the below code.

var currentDate = DateUtil.getCurrentDate(“yyyy-MM-dd”);
var currentYear = currentDate.substring(0, 4);
var currentMonth = currentDate.substring(5, 7);
var currentDay = currentDate.substring(8, 10);
var georgianMonth = parseInt(currentMonth) – 1;
var scriptBuilder = java.lang.StringBuilder();
var getScriptDate = DateUtil.getCurrentDate(“yyyyMMdd”);
// Initialize controller
var controller = com.mirth.connect.server.controllers.ControllerFactory.getFactory().createEngineController();
// Create Channel Deployed ID’s
var channels = ChannelUtil.getDeployedChannelIds().toArray();

for each(channel in channels) {


var dashboardStatus = controller.getChannelStatus(channel);
// Get Georgian date mapping from –

var fetchLastDeployedDay = dashboardStatus.getDeployedDate().get(5);
var fetchLastDeployedMonth = dashboardStatus.getDeployedDate().get(2);
var fetchLastDeployedYear = dashboardStatus.getDeployedDate().get(1);

if ((fetchLastDeployedYear == currentYear) && (fetchLastDeployedDay == currentDay) && (fetchLastDeployedMonth == georgianMonth)) {

var getDeployedChannelName = dashboardStatus.getName();
var deploymentScript = ‘import ‘ + ‘”‘ + $(‘Eai_qa_path’) + getScriptDate + ‘/’ + getDeployedChannelName + ‘.xml’ + ‘”‘ + ‘ force’;
var processedScript = deploymentScript.replace(/\//g, “\\”);



FileUtil.write(“C:/Labs/POC/Import_Export/test.txt”, false, scriptBuilder);

Put this code in the javascript listener and make it to run for 24 hours. (i.e) for every 24 hours one import script will be generated based on the channels that were developed and tested today

Happy Automating!!!!

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